I've been playing drums professionally for several years.
I've had the chance to hear my drums and my voice played over the radio as part of being a
national recording artist. I've been on
CMT, I've played
arenas, jingles and
live television.
In addition, I served for nine years in the USMC, five of which were spent as a Drum Instructor at the
Armed Force School of Music.
All that experience coupled with my background as a teacher is brought together in one of the most unique drum method books you're ever going to find.
It's called, "The Starting Line!"
You'll be learning how to read music in a way that incorporates both your hands and your feet, so you're developing the skill you'll need to play various grooves and fills on the kit that much quicker.
The book comes with over 130 recordings of every exercise and solo so you have an example to listen to as you practice to ensure you're playing it correctly. You'll be learning basic technique, the 26 rudiments, how to read music, how to play differernt styles of music and how to read a rhythm chart.
Every technique and rhythmic figure is first explained with a detailed text and then followed by an approachable example that you're able to perform while listening to a recording that features both the rhythm and a voice over that shows you how to count what you're playing.
Whether you're a beginning drum student or a player that's been performing for years that just wants to learn how to read, pick up a copy of "The Starting Line" today!
And if you're an instructor that loves the idea of being able to send your student to the practice room with a recording of what they've been assigned so you can be certain they're practicing correctly, the "Starting Line" is a great resource to add to your library.
Whatever your goals may be, this is a great place to begin!
Welcome to the "Starting Line!"
here to order!

Bruce Gust