The other day I was engaging in the very risky practice of attempting to peruse some much needed info on my phone while simultaneously driving. Not a good idea, I know, but it further reinforces the reality of something that is becoming more and more evident to me.
The information I was looking for was the phone number of a restaurant that I could not find at the time. Thankfully, I did find their website, but it wasn't mobile friendly. So, instead of being able to easily locate the phone number, I was having to engage in having to enlarge the screen so I could accurately position my fingers over the correct link and then apply some pressure hoping that it would be routed to the correct page. It took a couple of times, but I was able to get it done and no pedestrians or fellow motorists were hurt in the process.
It adds weight to the statistics touted in a recent article authored by google where they say:
It's not just in the States, but throughout the world, connectivity is no longer restricted to one's desktop and more and more people are defaulting to their phone more so than their computer when it comes to accessing web content.
So the question is: "Is your site mobile friendly?" At one point, it would've been nothing more than a bonus feature. But now, it's becoming a standard promoted by the people we claim to serve.
So, unless you want to be responsible for needless collisions, it's probably time to put a mobile friendly version of your site into place.
That's what I'm thinking!