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 Books & Devos
1) Perception Changes | $9.99  
1) 90 Day Bible Study | $8.99  
2) The Greatest Bible Study in the World | $5.99  
3) American Devotional Series | Part One: The Revolutionary War | $9.99  
 Instructional Books
1) The Starting Line | $35.00
1) Crown Him With Many Crowns | $25.00
2) Praise to the Lord | $25.00
 Social Issues
1) Read Me Your Rights | $5.00
 Loose Cannon Fitness
1) Loose Cannon Fitness Exercises | $1.50  
1) Loose Cannon Fitness Workouts | $10.00  
 Virtual Bootcamp
1) Loose Cannon Fitness Virtual Bootcamp Subscription | $25.00  
 Muscular Christianity
 90 Day Workout Plan
1) Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan | $29.99